Operating Strategically
Examine tactics to plan & execute, balancing long-term vision with short-term goals.
In a series of three 60-minute virtual sessions, you’ll uncover challenges and explore opportunities
within your different spheres of influence. We recommend one session per month.
Session 1: Enterprise
Discuss the broader systemic challenges that impede short and long term execution on initiatives and
projects. Then, you will collaborate with your coach and peers on best practices to influence positive change
on systemic challenges you identified as a group.
Session 2: Team & Stakeholder
Explore how team/stakeholder dynamics create challenges with effective communication flows and future
planning initiatives. Brainstorm and best practice share with your coach and peers on how establish agile
information flows and align more readily on future initiatives.
Session 3: Individual
Examine the obstacles you face with stakeholder management and influence that impede performance
against goals. Then, you will collaborate with your coach and peers on how to balance stakeholder dynamics
and increase your influence to drive results.
Navigating Ambiguity
Strengthen confidence in managing risks and finding opportunities during change.
In a series of three 60-minute virtual sessions, you’ll uncover challenges and explore opportunities
within your different spheres of influence. We recommend one session per month.
Session 1: Enterprise
Discuss the broader systemic challenges faced making sound decisions and driving results amidst
uncertainty. You will then brainstorm with your coach and peers on key tenants of making decisions that lead
to successful outcomes during ambiguous circumstances.
Session 2: Team & Stakeholder
Explore how team/stakeholder dynamics in times of ambiguity impede your ability to drive results and
communicate in a manner that inspires. Then, you will benchmark and share best practices on how to
leverage inspirational communication to drive team and stakeholder results.
Session 3: Individual
Examine the challenges of managing complex and uncertain situations that impede individual and team
performance. You will then brainstorm with your coach and peers on how to simplify complex processes and
workflows that build confidence and resilience in times of uncertainty.
Motivating for Performance
Inspire teams to excel by fostering a culture that helps individuals achieve their goals
In a series of three 60-minute virtual sessions, you’ll uncover challenges and explore opportunities
within your different spheres of influence. We recommend one session per month.
Session 1: Enterprise
Discuss the broader systemic challenges of engagement and inspiration to drive results. Then, brainstorm
with your coach and peers on how you might influence engagement challenges and ultimately inspire others.
Session 2: Team & Stakeholder
Explore how team/stakeholder dynamics create difficulties with remaining motivated and accountable to key
performance indicators, shifting to coach and peer collaboration on how to overcome the identified
challenges and inspire accountability through elevated motivation.
Session 3: Individual
Examine the obstacles you face while leading with empathy and motivating team members. Then, collaborate
and share best practices with your coach and peers on how you can leverage empathetic leadership as a
key enabler for motivating high performance.
Manager Essentials
Hone the essential skills and knowledge for effective managerial leadership.
In a series of three 60-minute virtual sessions, you’ll uncover challenges and explore opportunities
within your different spheres of influence. We recommend one session per month.
Session 1: Enterprise
Discuss the broader systemic challenges faced with remaining aligned strategically to the organization and
balancing manager priorities with daily work. Then, you will brianstorm on impactful tactics to drive strategy
and vision while balancing daily priorities.
Session 2: Team & Stakeholder
Explore how team/stakeholder dynamics create challenges with team member development and prioritizing
workflows. You will then benchmark opportunities to develop team members and balance getting work done
with elevating team member performance.
Session 3: Individual
Examine the challenges of building your personal brand while driving business results. Then, you will
brainstorm tactics and tools to build an authentic brand while balancing performance expectations.
Leading Transformation
Sharpen the skills & decision-making processes to lead others to embrace change.
In a series of three 60-minute virtual sessions, you’ll uncover challenges and explore opportunities
within your different spheres of influence. We recommend one session per month.
Session 1: Enterprise
Discuss the broader systemic challenges faced at the enterprise level with evolving customer needs and
increased external pressures. Then, you will uncover opportunities with your coach and peers on how to
exceed customer expectations and balance externalities to influence impactful transformation.
Session 2: Team & Stakeholder
Explore team/stakeholder challenges in gaining buy-in and cascading strategy in times of transformation.
You will then benchmark best practices and opportunities to help drive clear strategic initiatives with broad
Session 3: Individual
Examine the challenges that arise during times of transformation with decision making and strategic thinking.
Then, benchmark and uncover opportunities to overcome decision making barriers and how to think more
strategically during times of change.
Inclusive Leadership
Explore how advocacy and inclusivity lead to retention and growth of diverse teams.
In a series of three 60-minute virtual sessions, you’ll uncover challenges and explore opportunities
within your different spheres of influence. We recommend one session per month.
Session 1: Enterprise
Discuss the broader systemic cultural dynamics that lead to inequities and imbalances with inclusivity. Then,
you will brainstorm and benchmark with your coach and peers on how to help shape and influence a more
inclusive organizational culture.
Session 2: Team & Stakeholder
Explore team/stakeholder inclusiveness challenges and how they create talent development difficulties. You
will then brainstorm tactics with your coach and peers on how practicing inclusive leadership can lead to
increased retention and agility.
Session 3: Individual
Examine the challenges faced with advocacy and inclusive leadership practices. Then, uncover opportunities
with your coach and peers that can lead to elevated inclusivity and advocacy that lead to a stronger sense
of commitment and belonging.
Impactful Communications
Cultivate the abilities that lead to persuasive, effective communication.
In a series of three 60-minute virtual sessions, you’ll uncover challenges and explore opportunities
within your different spheres of influence. We recommend one session per month.
Session 1: Enterprise
Discuss the broader systemic challenges faced with stakeholders and communication dynamics that impede
results. Then, you will uncover opportunities to overcome these challenges with your coach and peers to
build mutual accountability and drive others to action.
Session 2: Team & Stakeholder
Explore how team/stakeholder dynamics impede impactful communications that can lead to ineffective
communication flows. You will then brianstorm with your coach and peers on methods that lead to agile
information flows and communication dynamics that lead to alignment and successful outcomes.
Session 3: Individual
Examine the challenges that arise during moments of trust building and communicating for impact. Then, you
will benchmark and best practice share with your coach and peers on how to maximize your influence for
trust and build influence through communication moments.
Elevating Your Leadership
Explore continuous growth and self-awareness in the pursuit of excellence.
In a series of three 60-minute virtual sessions, you’ll uncover challenges and explore opportunities
within your different spheres of influence. We recommend one session per month.
Session 1: Enterprise
Discuss the broader systemic challenges experienced in the face of inclusive leadership practices and vision
setting. Then, your will brainstorm with your coach on steps you can take and influence tactics to employ
that lead to clear vision setting and more inclusivity with decision making.
Session 2: Team & Stakeholder
Explore how team/stakeholder dynamics impact team effectiveness and talent retention. Then, you will
benchmark best practices and collaborate with your coach and peers on how to retain top talent and
effectively develop team members to drive performance.
Session 3: Individual
Examine the obstacles you face with growth dynamics and self-awareness. You will then collaborate with
your coach and peers on how to respond proactively to growth dynamics and become more self-aware as a
leader to balance authenticity and leadership presence.
Driving Engagement
Sharpen the skills to increase engagement and maximize performance against goals.
In a series of three 60-minute virtual sessions, you’ll uncover challenges and explore opportunities
within your different spheres of influence. We recommend one session per month.
Session 1: Enterprise
Discuss the broader systemic challenges that contribute to less than optimized performance and employee
engagement. Then, explore opportunities to improve engagement and influence performance waning factors
at the enterprise level.
Session 2: Team & Stakeholder
Explore how team/stakeholder dynamics contribute to communication barriers and morale. Then, collaborate
with your peers to benchmark opportunities and action items to improve morale and drive more productive
Session 3: Individual
Examine the obstacles you currently face with vision setting and practicing empathy while engaging with
your coach and peers to identify key action items to increase engagement.
Doing More with Less
Creatively and strategically allocate resources to achieve results despite
In a series of three 60-minute virtual sessions, you’ll uncover challenges and explore opportunities
within your different spheres of influence. We recommend one session per month.
Session 1: Enterprise
Discuss the broader systemic challenges with driving results in the face of constrained resources. Then,
you will uncover tactics and opportunities to achieve goals and exceed business priorities with current
resource availability.
Session 2: Team & Stakeholder
Explore team/stakeholder dynamics that impede continuous improvement and managing priority
workstreams. You will then explore opportunities to optimize workflows and lead continuous
improvement efforts that inspire scalability and agility.
Session 3: Individual
Examine the challenges faced with developing talent and leveraging empathy in the face of resource
constraints and performance pressures. Then, uncover tactics and best practices to remain motivated
and engage team members in high stakes situations.
Collaborating on Projects
Emphasize communication and leverage diverse strengths to accomplish shared
In a series of three 60-minute virtual sessions, you’ll uncover challenges and explore opportunities within
your different spheres of influence. We recommend one session per month.
Session 1: Enterprise
Discuss the broader systemic challenges of prioritization and conflict dynamics when working on projects and
initiatives. Then, you will explore opportunities with your coach and peers on how to influence more positive
conflict dynamics and the prioritization of initiatives.
Session 2: Team & Stakeholder
Explore how you can leverage team/stakeholder dynamics to manage workflows and drive results. You will then
benchmark best practices with your coach to overcome obstacles to productivity and goal achievement.
Session 3: Individual
Examine the challenges that arise with maintaining workflows in the face of added project and initiative work
for your team and you. Then, brainstorm with your peers and coach how to balance personal and collaborative
accountability as you move forward.
Building Resilience
Gain the confidence and capabilities to persevere amidst the pressures of leading
In a series of three 60-minute virtual sessions, you’ll uncover challenges and explore opportunities
within your different spheres of influence. We recommend one session per month.
Session 1: Enterprise
Discuss the broader systemic challenges contributing to employee burnout or adversity, share different
perspectives, and discuss ways to navigate obstacles or influence change.
Session 2: Team & Stakeholder
Explore how team/stakeholder dynamics impact your team’s motivation or ability to perform. Then, identify
ways to build resilience and improve the well-being of your team to boost their performance.
Work with a coach who
specializes in:
▶ Driving Transformation
▶ Adapting Readily
▶ Fostering Engagement
▶ Leading Flexibly
Session 3: Individual
Examine how you’ve begun addressing the broader challenges around you, and focus on improving your
ability to adapt to change with a positive mindset.
Becoming Future Ready
Delve into ways to capitalize on future opportunities for your business, your team,
and yourself.
In a series of three 60-minute virtual sessions, you’ll uncover challenges and explore opportunities
within your different spheres of influence. We recommend one session per month.
Session 1: Enterprise
Discuss the broader systemic challenges you face with capitalizing on future opportunities for the business.
Then, brainstorm with your coach and peers on how to influence strategy and encourage innovation among
team members and stakeholders.
Session 2: Team & Stakeholder
Explore how team/stakeholder dynamics create barriers to resilience and the adaptation of new
technologies and systems. Your coach, peers and you will then brainstorm how to overcome the identified
challenges to create a more resilient and creative team and stakeholder base.
Session 3: Individual
Examine the obstacles you face with being strategic and thinking and capitalizing on innovative
opportunities. Then, collaborate with your coach and peers on how to create time for strategy and become
more focused on future innovation opportunities.