Learning Collections are how administrators curate learning to be delivered to participants.
To create a new collection, go to the Learning Collections tab in AdminStudio and click ‘Create Learning Collection’ in the top right corner.
1. Start
First, select a Product License for the Learning Collection to confirm the participant audience and overall learning experience you want to deliver. The Product License determines the types of programs you can add to the collection, as well as the license required for invited participants.
2. Describe
Once the Product License is selected for the Learning Collection, continue to the next step and describe the collection with a title, rich-text welcome message, and collection logo. These elements will all be included in the Learning Collection display for participants.
You may also optionally include an internal name for the learning collection, which will only be visible to administrators in AdminStudio.
💡Create a welcoming title and description for participants exploring your collection. Utilize rich-text editing to enhance the description.
3. Customize
The Customize step is where you can curate the programs included collection to address your specific leadership development objectives. Here, you’ll be able to do things like add, hide and/or reorder programs.
To start each new learning collection will include the ExecOnline Essentials Catalog of over 120+ On-Demand Learning programs from ExecOnline experts, world-renowned business schools and thought leaders.
You can also curate sections of featured programs to create a more tailored development path for your participants.
Blank sections are commonly used to emphasize required programs, or organize programs by topic, theme, or participation dates/sequence.
Curated sections are pre-curated by ExecOnline experts and can be used as-is or customized.
Add programs by browsing the Program Catalog, applying filters, and selecting the desired programs.
Sections offer a few display options so you can promote programs in different ways and design a learning collection that engages participants. Use the section title and description to provide participants with details about each step of their learning.
Drag and drop to reorder programs and/or sections, as needed, then click ‘Continue’ to proceed.
4. Preview
The next step, Preview, will allow you to see your Learning Collection as a participant would. If you’d like to make any adjustments, you can click the ‘Edit Participant View’ button at the top of the page.
A panel will slide out from the right side of you’re screen, and you can adjust the name and description of your collection, the section details, the programs included and their order.
To see an updated preview of the collection with any changes you have made, click ‘Save & Reload Preview’ at the bottom of the edit panel; the collection’s preview will refresh.
Click on the ‘Leave Edit Mode’ button if you’d like to close the side panel. If at any time you’d like to go back to the previous step, click the ‘Back’ button.
When you’re ready to finalize the collection, click on the ‘Continue’ button to move to the next step.
🔎 Here the section was updated to display as a List instead of a Carousel.
5. Share
The final step is to share your new learning collection.
There are a few ways to share...
Share with Collaborators
My Organization
to allow other admins in your organization to preview the learning collection before onboarding participants
💡 Collaborators might be stakeholders or colleagues who you closely partner with. You have the option to keep your collection private to just yourself, make it visible and manageable by anyone that has AdminStudio access in your organization, or share with a specific group of people within your organization.
Share with Participants
Invite participants directly - Schedule emails inviting participants to browse the collection or enroll in specific programs (requires publishing the collection)
Use an onboarding URL - Copy URLs for participants to browse the collection or enroll in specific programs (requires publishing the collection)
⌛ Not ready to share? No problem - you can save the learning collection without publishing and return later to share it.
Click Save and Close when you are done.
🎊 Congratulations on your new learning collection!
You can edit your collection any time by returning to the Learning Collections list, where you’ll see your new collection at the top of the list.