Q: How do I find a share URL to a Learning Collection?
A: Share URLs to Learning Collections are excellent for promoting collections at scale through platforms like SharePoint, LMS systems, or internal email campaigns. They provide easy access for participants without requiring additional setup.
Follow these steps to locate a Learning Collection’s share URL:
Step 1: Navigate to the Learning Collection Tab
Go to the Learning Collection tab in AdminStudio.
Find the relevant Learning Collection in the main list.
Step 2: Open the Publish and Share Menu
Click the three vertical dot menu on the right side of the Learning Collection entry.
Select “Publish and Share” from the dropdown menu.
Step 3: Copy the Share URL
On the Publish and Share screen, locate the share URL for the Learning Collection.
Click “Copy URL” to copy the link to your clipboard.
Pro Tip: Use this share URL for mass distribution in internal communications, ensuring participants can easily access the Learning Collection without additional provisioning steps.